Sunday, December 6, 2015

Reading Assignment 3

Push Pin Studios
-God the style and color variations are just...astounding, I love how the artists each have their unique style and colors.
-I'm quite fond of the cartoon styled ones, those are my favorite!
Some lovely examples

Push Pin Studio, c. 1970

Push Pin Studio, c. 1970

Push Pin Studio
Push Pin Studio, c. 1970

The Designers Republic
Very nice sort of 'open your mind' sort of work. Very stylistic fonts and colorful typography...
Shame they shut down...

Chip Kidd

No words, just fantastic.
The blend of photography and art...
The soft shading.
The simple, yet effective text work...
Very nice!
Also Superman and Jurassic Park, hell yeah~

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Animals in the RED set are real life animals
Queen/King of Hearts: Panthers
Queen/King of Diamonds: Lions
Ace of Hearts: Sheep/Ram
Ace of Diamonds: Elk
Jack of Hearts: Wolf
Jack of Diamonds: Lynx

Animals in the BLACK set are mythical animals
Queen/King of Cloves: Gryphons
Queen/King of Spades: Dragons
Ace of Cloves: Monocerus
Ace of Spades: Yale
Jack of Cloves: Leucrota
Jack of Spades: Cerastes

Joker: Hyena

Inspired By:

Friday, October 16, 2015

Reading #3

Grid: In graphic design, a grid is a structure (usually two-dimensional) made up of a series of intersecting straight (vertical, horizontal, and angular) or curved guide lines.

Anatomy of a layout : How a page is laid out, of course!

Visual hierarchy: Refers to the arrangement or presentation of elements in a way that implies importance.

 White Space: Referred to as negative space. It is the portion of a page left unmarked: marginsgutters, and space between columns

Contrast: Distinguishing by comparing/creating differences. Some ways of creating contrast among elements in the design include using contrasting colors, sizes, shapes, locations, or relationships


Color Palette: the set of colors on such a board or surface.

Gradient:  Specifies a range of position-dependent colors, usually used to fill a region.

 Color Rendering: Ability of a light source to show true colors as seen outdoors in sunlight.

How To!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Reading #2

Identity Design: The process of identifying a product, service, or organization

Branding: The goal of Branding is to form an overall perception of any product, service, or organization in the consumer's mind through a variety of means

Collateral Design: Refers to a form of promotional design that supports marketing or maybe the introduction of a brand. 

Environmental Design: The application of design to a specific environment

Iconography: The visual images and symbols used in a work of art or the study or interpretation of these.

Information Design: The practice of presenting information in a way that fosters efficient and effective understanding of it.

Editorial Design: Media that is created between the fields of book design, newspaper publication and  magazine design, one of the largest fields in Graphic Design.

Poster Design: A placard or bill posted in a public place as an advertisement.

Packaging: Materials used to wrap or protect goods.

Interactive Design: Study that focuses on meaningful communication of media through cyclical and collaborative processes between people and technology.

Motion Graphics: Digital footage and/or animation technology to create the illusion of motion

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Shepard Farley Pleads Guilty

So what if the guy used a picture of the president, wouldn't that be considered public domain?
I could understand the outrage if he maybe used the image to negatively impact President Obama's name, but he didn't.
He instead went on to create one of the most iconic images in the last ten years, the 'Hope' Poster.
If anything, this HELPED Obama's social image, relaying that he was a man that had high hopes for the country and its people.
Farley seems to have a record of breaking rules and the like, trespassing, vandalizing walls, but he still values other artist's work...
I don't think that ruling was fair...5,000 dollars for a photo, really?
I bet if it was of anybody else, nobody would've batted an eye.
But because it's the president, I guess that makes him a super special person who nobody can use an image of.
People are stupid.
Farley is also stupid for trying to lie and cover his tracks with false documents and such.
Both parties are equally stupid.